Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last post

This is it - the last post! Kristi is off to school in San Luis Obispo with two quarters left until she graduates. YAHOO, this is such an accomplishment! This has been a been one of her biggest goals over the last year and like many of our children, she worries about getting a job and wonders what she will do next. She has been working at getting her confidence and stamina back and went to our local junior college last semester. Took a full load and got a 3.8 so that made her feel like she was ready to handle the more rigorous academic program at Cal Poly.

On a physical note - mostly good. Still healing and moving in the right direction. She has had some problems with her right foot but after almost 4 months on crutches it too is getting better. We have seen multiple doctors, mostly neurologists, over the last few months and the final verdict was patience. It appears that the nerves are coming back but this is a very slow process. We will go back for further evaluation on that in another 6 months. At this point she has minimal feeling and use but time is our friend!!! While she wasn't able to get her foot in her ski boot we did have a great time x-country skiing and she is happily back on her horse starting this week.

So that all - except to say Thank you to all of you for your continued love, support and prayers!! We could not have made it without all of you - our very dear friends and family. YES - it takes a village!!!

Much love, Jayme

PS - As promised - a few photos from our Christmas trek to SV