Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday -week 6

Hi all - More of the same today - just trying to find the balance of all of these crazy drugs. Kristi is on really high doses of pretizone to manage the bleeding in her lungs. This is causing her blood pressure to sky rocket to frightening levels. The sedation drugs that they give her to help with her blood pressure cause her to have hallucinations when she wakes up, which in tern drives her blood pressure up ...which causes the blood vessels to rupture... which causes the bleeding.....blah blah..blah..... the cycle continues.

Patience Patience Patience.
Pray Pray Pray.
Love Love Love.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jayme, we all appreciate you keeping us up to date with this blog. You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers...

    Mike Haney / Houston
