Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday December 15

We are having a good day today. While there is some pain with the trach tube it is still a positive thing. The nurse came in and went over her labs with us and everything seems to be moving in the right direction. Her lungs have opened up significantly in the last two days and expanded to about 70% capacity. Also her white count is down so it looks like the infection is under control.
With the trach we can be much more agressive about weening off of the vent and we began that process this morning. She is sitting up and trying to move as much as she can - streching her shoulders, shaking her legs etc. They keep telling her that movement is her new best friend and she has taken it to heart.

I'm not sure that I will ever be able to convey how wonderful and important for our healing, your outpouring of support has been!!!! Lots of love - Kristi, Jayme, Mark and Steve


  1. hang in there! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss you!

  2. Well, Kristi, I have written at least five comments and they kept disappearing. Duhhh, didn't join first. Soooooo I just joined. So very happy to hear your good news. We check on you several times a day. Lotza hugs and love, Aunt Sherry, Rob-Bob, Michael and Emmett

  3. I am so happy to hear all the good news, wow Kristi, you are resilient! I get so excited when I hear that you are sitting up and moving your legs and arms. This is fantastic! We are heading up to the mountains this weekend and I will be skiing some runs for all of you. Keep up the great healing and moving, your future is bright :)
