Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29th

Well it happened - I walked into Kristi's room this morning and she was off of the vent doing a trial breathing test. They put on a collar and just give her oxygen but no pressure support. Five hours into it and she is still doing great!!! They will try for 12 hours today and let her rest overnight. This is a huge accomplishment and we are ecstatic. Maybe she can start trying to talk in a few days; don't know about food as we flunked the jello test.

Also - the Doctor feels it is time to transfer her to a lower level of care and one that is better equipped to help with her physical rehab needs. They tell me it will take anywhere from 1 day to a week to get this done. We are looking at a hospital outside of San Jose which is much closer to home and Kristi is really excited to just "get on with things" and to have a change in scenery.

Its all good!!!! (And, it was really nice to write this one)
Love to all of you - K,J,M,S,M,S


  1. Yippee! Have a glass of champagne on me. We are all excited and THRILLED for this progress, Jayme. Happy, happy, happy New Year!

  2. Hurray! We are all super super excited about this great news. Kristi has turned a big corner. It will be great to have you all closer to home. A great way to start the new year :)

  3. The last comment was posted by Michelle, Nathan's mom. I must be on his google account :)

  4. I am soooo happy for all of you!!! Glad to hear of the new progress. Good luck with the move closer to home. Happy New Year!!!

  5. Wahoo! Very good news, glad to hear it. Sorry haven't been up sooner, will be up to say "HEY!" in the next day or so. Belated Happy Holidays and most certainly wishing and praying for a Happy New Year
